its been so long. how are things? much has happened... im spending my summer in the city of brotherly love.
not at all a lie.
lets see what else... ok, i tried cherry dr. pepper yesterday for the first time ever. you need to take my advice and listen to me when i say go buy some immediately and taste it. it deserves a round of applause. im going to miss so many things this summer, and its hitting me hard this week that i only have 2 more weeks to enjoy them. heres my list of things to miss:
1. my friends and cousin (dont be offended, im talking about you. you are not left out of this category.)
2. the tree house.
2. life church. ... both tied for second.
3. LCC band. friday nights... band practice.
4. lounge parties... juno and learning about new things.. yikes.
5. chapel.
6. adventures in boston. the T
7. rockbanding with escaping athens.
8. storytime... "we NEED to talk."
9. recruitment monday and fridays with pablo and mercy
10. slush puppies
ok, so there it is. im crying. just kidding, but im pretty dang close.
im excited about this summer though.. God is going to do amazing things!! I am interning at first family church in philly.. and i am stoked. i cant wait to see kids saved, and passion ignited. I keep thinking about the disciples and all that they did. I got scared because I have so much responsibility this summer and so much expected of me... making me feel extremely inadequate. extremely. Jesus told the disciples to simply "follow me". thats all. he didnt throw numbers in their faces or tell themto be a great leader or speaker, or to reach teenagers.... he simply said to follow him. this makes me feel a thousand times better. sigh of RELIEF!!
Thank you Jesus for making things so much more simple than i make them out to be.
All that we have to do is be willing, and follow you. Here I am... use me.